Catfish fishing is a very fun and energetic sport which requires a lot of hard work once you have caught one on the end of your rod, from the mighty wels catfish which can be huge to many other different types which you can catch across the world. One thing for sure especially with the wels catfish you will have to battle to win you catfish. This is why catfish fishing is such a highly addictive fishing type, because you have the excitement, energy and rush that will make you want to do it more and more.
Anyway enough about the fantastic rush catfish fishing brings us and lets move on to giving you some tips how to carry out this sport successfully. Read on to find out more.
Catfish fishing can be carried out in a lot of lakes and rivers etc all across the globe and can be the most fun you'll ever have fishing, you will want to try a lot of different techniques until you find the one that works best for you and believe it or not in no time you will be bringing in massive hauls of catfish that are massive in size.
One of the main things to catfish fishing is the time that you go out and do it because you really want to be going out and looking for them when they are feeding, now bearing this in mind the best time for you to go fishing is probably to go in the early mornings and in the evening when they will be out in force looking for their food. You don't need to fish for catfish at these times of the day but this is when they are most vulnerable to pick up your bait and they will be in the shallows of the lake or river making it easier for you to find them and catch them, remember though that catfish fishing can be done at anytime of the day and also in many places nearly all year round.
There are a few different places that they will tend to hide or hang out around as well so when catfish fishing look out for the reeds and see if there are any blockages in the river for example as catfish tend to swim around upstream from these looking for food on the bottom of the riverbed and also the riverbeds and to the side of rivers by the banks where they will be skulking around looking to feed.
Next a very good tip that I can give you when you go catfish fishing is to always try to use live baits as catfish tend to go for these a lot more, also another good tip that you should take into consideration when catfish fishing is to make sure that the live bait is very smelly (that's right the smellier the better), the reason for this is that catfish have a highly developed sense of smell and will sniff it out and come and feed, baits such as shrimp, tuna and other fish etc, but also remember that you should be varying the bait that you use because if you don't then catfish will just act like we do and get fed up of the same food and not bother going for it.
One of the last things I am going to tell you in this article about catfish fishing is that when you are fishing you need to decide on what size hook you are going to use as this can determine quite a lot with catfish, if you use a huge hook then you are only really going to be looking for the bigger catfish as the smaller ones will not go for the big hooks, some small hooks will also only catch the smaller catfish. So when you are next out catfish fishing you should try and mix up your hook sizes and experiment and see which ones work best for you, also don't forget to rotate the bait.
Until next time happy catfish fishing!
Find what you need to become great at catfish fishing Article Source: |
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