Fishing Secrets Revealed

Evening Secret Fishing

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Fishing for big catfish

Looking for the ultimate catfish fishing secret? Well, fishing for big catfish is an art form, there are tips on catching catfish that anyone can use when learning how to fish for catfish. Anyone can start cat fish fishing and by using all the catfish fishing tips available, can soon jump into the major league of cat fishing, it just needs a little effort and a lot of know how!

Catfish Fishing

5 Tips For Catching That Monster Catfish

Everyone wants to catch a monster catfish. There are no bigger fresh water fish in North America. Both blues and flatheads regularly exceed 50 pounds and the record for each is 124 and 123 pounds respectively. Heck even the record channel catfish caught at 58 pounds would certainly make someones day. For many anything over 50 pounds would be a trophy of a lifetime.

These monsters are everywhere in the United States but few anglers catch them on a regular basis. Here are a few tips that may help you become one of those whom regularly catch these monster catfish.

1. GEAR UP! A 50 pound cat will snap rods and fry reels. You must invest in heavy tackle. You will need a 7 foot or longer heavy action rod. Bait casting reels are the strongest but many anglers favor the spin casting reel. Whichever reel you decide on spool it 30, 50 or even 80 pound braid. Attach a 6/0 to 10/0 heavy wire circle hook.

2. Tie a good knot. Knots are often the weakest point of any fishing rig. Learn how to tie the Palomar knot. It is simple and efficient providing almost 100 percent line strength.

3. Where to fish. Large rivers provide the most opportunity for big cats but large lakes can also be productive. Another good place is the deep water below a dam as these monsters will lay in way for chunks of fish chewed up by the dam. Do not waste your time with creeks and ponds. It would be rare if you caught anything close to 50 pounds there.

4. Use fish for bait. Live fish for flatheads and cut baits for blue and channel catfish. Other baits will work but not with the consistency fish.

5. Have patience. You are not going to catch a monster cat every time out. Maybe not for several times out. This is what discourages the average angler but if you want to catch the big one you will have to have patience. Believe me once you hook one of these monsters you will realize that all that effort was worth it.

Doug Burns is founder of - A leading source for tips, tricks and information on catfish fishing. Doug has been an avid angler for 35 years and a steady contributor.

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