Fishing Secrets Revealed

Evening Secret Fishing

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Walleye fishing tips

Walleye Fishing Tips to Overflow Your Freezer with Fish

Old School Walleye Fishing

Like any great basketball player taking part in a shooting drill,

there are some walleye fishing tips that are basic fundamentals that we should put into practice when we're walleye

These walleye fishing tips that can make or break your performance on the water -
every time out.

Some easy preventative measures can mean the
difference between catching or losing a whole lot of fish.
For example: Take a pair of pliers and slightly widen the gap
of your hooks. This will decrease the amount of missed hook-sets
by a lot. One of the often overlooked walleye fishing tips is to sharpen those hooks
- regularly.

Stick to the colors that work: Bright colors in dirty
water, more natural colors in clear water.
Always adapt. Give the walleyes what they want to eat
how and when they want it.

One of the slightly more advanced walleye fishing tips is to
have the mindset of the pro and be versitile. Let the
conditions you find yourself in dictate your fishing

Just because a certain lure or technique has worked
in the past, doesn't mean it's going to work today.

Go with what works today.

I run through a set rotation of 3 or 4 offerings
at the outset of each fishing expedition depending
on the characteristics present that day.

This way I can quickly narrow in on what the fish
are interested in on that particular day.

And lastly, don't forget one of the most
important factors of them all: Each day's different.

It's always good to get back to the basic fundamentals
of walleye fishing, don't you think? After all, even Michael Jordan
practiced his lay-ups before every game.

Andrew Martinsen is a walleye fishing fanatic. Sign up now at his website to download your free copy of the exclusive report called Secret Sauce: The Bait Recipe for a Freezer Full of Walleye plus more walleye fishing tips.

To get your copy of this free, limited-time report, click below:

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